MP4 File Dumper - Version 1.2
(Bento4 Version
(c) 2002-2011 Axiomatic Systems, LLC
usage: mp4dump [options] <input>
options are:
--verbosity <n>
sets the verbosity (details) level to <n> (between 0 and 3)
--track <track_id>[:<key>]
writes the track data into a file
(<mp4filename>.<track_id>) and optionally
tries to decrypt it with the key (128-bit in hex)
(several --track options can be used, one for each track)
Each sample is written preceded by its size encoded as a 32-bit
value in big-endian byte order
--format <format>
format to use for the output, where <format> is either
'text' (default) or 'json'